

How to Differentiate

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Positioning: How to talk so the market will listen

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  • What is a positioning strategy?
  • What is a message strategy?
  • How to differentiate
  • What is branding?
  • Three C’s of positioning
  • Problems we solve
  • How we’re unique
  • Positioning columns
  • Workshops
  • Contact Us
  • Blog posts



Terminology used in the course:

Positioning: a mental space in your target audience’s mind that you can own with an idea that has compelling meaning to the recipient. It’s in this mental space where your solution to the recipient’s problem meet and form a meaningful relationship. See the section “What is Positioning?” for more about this.

Positioning statement: a short, declarative sentence that addresses the target audience’s most pressing problem by stating a benefit. In 16 words or less, not counting your company or product name, a positioning statement makes it clear why the target market should care about your claim and take action. Your positioning statement becomes the central theme for all your marketing communications.

Support points: three or four sentences that unfold your story in more detail and explain how you deliver on the promise made in the positioning statement. “That’s interesting, tell me more, how do you do it?” is how you want your target buyers to react to your positioning statement. Good support points explain how you deliver the promise made in the positioning statement.

Message strategy: a positioning statement and three to four support points. The combination can be extremely detailed and is like a recipe for all marketing communications. Follow the recipe and you get a good story!

Your message strategy makes it easier to deliver the same message in all your marketing communications, which is one of the keys to claiming a position in your market.

Positioning strategy: includes your message strategy and a rationale document that presents the research that helped you converge on your message strategy. To effectively position, you need to thoroughly research the 3C’s – customers, competitors and channel. This understanding of the 3C’s leads you to a position that is unique, important, usable and believable.

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