In as little as two hours, discover a fail-proof way to develop a positioning strategy that sets you apart from your competitors. Differentiation is just one of the topics covered in Messages that Matter’s fast-paced positioning workshop offered on-line or on-site.
The business process for positioning we introduce you to in the workshop is simple, logical and easy to master and apply. It is a proven process used by hundreds of B2B marketers and product marketers around the world. And it will make a big difference in the effectiveness of your marketing and save your marketing team a lot of time. Guaranteed!
Here’s a link to more information about Messages that Matter’s positioning workshop. The workshop has a companion eBook that is included in the workshop fee or can be purchased separately. The eBook is the most comprehensive “how-to” guide available to B2B marketing professionals. It includes exercises, tips, reminders, links to relevant information and summaries after each chapter.
Here’s why mastering an effective positioning process is so critical to marketing success:
- Your positioning strategy is the foundation for everything you do in marketing. It needs to be strong or your marketing efforts will fall apart.
- An effective positioning strategy helps target buyers associate a benefit with your solution, product or company that makes them want to buy. With some effort, time and money, you can claim a position by consistently executing an idea that has compelling meaning to your target audience in all your marketing communications.
- A positioning strategy makes it easier to deliver the same message across all marketing media including web sites, brochures, advertisements and presentations to investors, industry analysts and prospects. Repetition is one of the most important factors in claiming a position and giving it staying power. Remember, you’ll get tired of your message strategy long before your target audience is tired of it – and sometimes even before all your audience have heard your positioning for the first time. Give it a chance to work.
The on-line workshop is available at your convenience. Signup to obtain the tools and knowledge you need to claim a unique position in your market.