Competitive Mapping – Differentiation Made Easy
A Webcast sponsored by Ryma Technology and conducted by Lawson Abinanti, Messages that Matter
In the marketing classic, “Positioning: The Battle for your Mind,” Ries and Trout lament that “… too many companies embark on marketing and advertising as if the competitor’s position did not exist. They advertise their products in a vacuum and are disappointed when their messages fail to get through.”
This won’t happen to you by viewing the Webcast, “Competitive Mapping – differentiation made easy,” presented by message strategy expert Lawson Abinanti. A competitive map is the best way for you to determine that you are making a unique marketing claim. The Web seminar shows you how to analyze print advertisements, marketing collateral and Web sites with an eye to deducing the positioning behind them.
Once you have determined how your competitors are positioned, a competitive map gives you an intuitive way to see if there’s any unclaimed space you can claim. The Webcast presents a real-world example of the enterprise software market for Corporate Performance Management (CPM) and evaluates advertisements for Cognos, Business Objects, SAS, Hyperion and Outlooksoft.